Name: Deden Fery Handriyan

SRN  : 1801121324

Class : C-5

1. Poetry is a written art that reflects the thoughts of the poet

2. Genres of English Poetry

- Lyric Poetry

Lyric poetry is especially song-like and emotional. Sonnets and odes are examples of poems that are lyrical in nature. Lyric poems do not necessarily tell a story but focus on more personal emotions, attitudes, and the author's state of mind.


Annabel Lee, by Edgar Allan Poe

It was many and many a year ago,

In a kingdom by the sea,

That a maiden there lived whom you may know

By the name of ANNABEL LEE;

And this maiden she lived with no other thought

Than to love and be loved by me.

- Narrative Poetry

A narrative poem tells a story. Typically, these can be read aloud and will maintain the audience's attention due to their rhythmic movement.


Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, "The Song of Hiawatha"

"On the Mountains of the Prairie,

On the great Red Pipe-stone Quarry,

Gitche Manito, the mighty,

He the Master of Life, descending,

On the red crags of the quarry

Stood erect, and called the nations,

Called the tribes of men together."

- Dramatic Poetry

Dramatic poetry encompasses a highly emotional story that's written in verse and meant to be recited. It usually tells a story or refers to a specific situation. This would include closet drama, dramatic monologues, and rhyme verse.


Pedro Calderon de la Barca’s The Dream Called Life

DREAM it was in which I found myself.

And you that hail me now, then hailed me king,

In a brave palace that was all my own,

Within, and all without it, mine; until,

Drunk with excess of majesty and pride,

Methought I towered so big and swelled so wide

That of myself I burst the glittering bubble

Which my ambition had about me blown

And all again was darkness. Such a dream

As this, in which I may be walking now,

Dispensing solemn justice to you shadows,

Who make believe to listen; but anon

Kings, princes, captains, warriors, plume and steel,

Ay, even with all your airy theater,

May flit into the air you seem to rend

With acclamations, leaving me to wake

In the dark tower; or dreaming that I wake

From this that waking is; or this and that,

Both waking and both dreaming; such a doubt

Confounds and clouds our mortal life about.

But whether wake or dreaming, this I know

How dreamwise human glories come and go;

Whose momentary tenure not to break,

Walking as one who knows he soon may wake,

So fairly carry the full cup, so well

Disordered insolence and passion quell,

That there be nothing after to upbraid

Dreamer or doer in the part he played;

Whether tomorrow’s dawn shall break the spell,

Or the last trumpet of the Eternal Day,

When dreaming, with the night, shall pass away.

3. Genres of Indonesian Poetry


- Old poem (around 1920s)

Almost all old poems are bounded to follow the rules such as:

·         The amount of the word in 1 line

·         The amount of the line in 1 couplet

·         Rhyme

·         The amount of syllable in 1 line

·         Rhythmic

The old poem can be found in various forms such as mantra, gurindam (poe), syair (bardic), pantun, bidal, pepatah (aphorism), and many more.

- Modern poem (from 1920s to present)

Modern poem is identified from the amount of line in every couplet. It does not use the same rules as the old poem, but more importantly the amount of the line. Any poem from 1920 until present is considered as modern poem.

Also, modern poem is divided into more specific categories such as balada (balad), ode, himne (hymn), romansa (romance), elegi (elegy). Epigram, distikon, satir (satire), sonata, and more. Most modern poem includes the name of the poet and it mostly speaks of general life.

- Contemporary poem

The contemporary poem does no longer speak of how great the language of the poet. But it stresses more on the typography structure, the use of foreign words, and sometimes even harsh words.

This type of poem is not bounded to the rules of old and modern poems but it has its own characteristic to differentiate from the rest of literature works. The characteristic includes selective choice of diction which caters deep meaning, portrayal, and symbolism.


Aku Ingin (Sapardi Djoko Damono)

Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana

Dengan kata yang tak sempat diucapkan kayu

Kepada api yang menjadikannya abu.

Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana

Dengan isyarat yang tak sempat disampaikan awan

Kepada hujan yang menjadikannya tiada

Puisi (Korrie Layun Rampan)

Jalan ini berdebu, kekasih

Terbentang padang rasa

Enam belas matahari memanah dari enam belas ufuk

Siang pun garang sepanjang kulminasi

Bahak malam mengikut pelang langkah tertatih

Ketipak bulan putih di taman kekasih


Antara kerikil dan pasir merah

Tersembunyi jejak-jejak yang singgah.

The poem from Andrea Hirata, taken from his novel titled ‘Ayah’

Datangkan seribu serdadu untuk membekukku!

Bidikkan seribu senapan, tepat ke ulu hatiku!

Langit menjadi saksiku bahwa aku disini, untuk mencintaimu!

Dan biarkan aku mati dalam keharuman cintamu…

Sajak Sikat Gigi (Yudistira ANM Massardi)

Seseorang lupa menggosok gigi sebelum tidur

Di dalam tidur ia bermimpi

Ada sikat gigi menggosok-gosok mulutnya supaya terbuka

Ketika ia bangun pagi hari

Sikat giginya tinggal sepotong

Sepotong yang hilang itu agaknya

Tersesat didalam mimipinya dan tak bisa kembali






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